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Wraparound Club

Registered Before and After School Child Care Provider
Contact Lucy 07790966403

The ''Wraparound' Club is an organised child care facility the provides care for children before and after school.  The club is made available to all children attending our primary school throughout the calendar year.

The 'Wrap Around' Club is managed and organised by Mrs Lucy Dornan, with the school providing the environment for this well organised facility to take place.  The club provides a very 'enriched experience', with lots of activities and child support programmes in place including a 'homework' facility.  The school environment is available for outdoor play and is also available throughout the calendar year including most holidays.

The school authorities and 'Wraparound' management work very closely together, and the school is always willing to provide support, advice and review of their daily routines and club's management.

The 'WrapAround' Club is a 'self managed & self funded' facility and parents who make use of this excellent 'Wraparound' Club pay 'fees & charges' directly to the club's leader.  The school encourages parents to contact Lucy on the telephone number listed above or call into the school before school or after school to talk to Lucy.

Please browse the activities of the 'Wrap Around' club below:
