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Minibeast Day.

Meet our loveliness of ladybirds.

Our flutter of butterflies.
Our swarm of bees.
Our cluster of spiders.
And ..... a thorn bug, a woodlouse, a grasshopper, a caterpillar and a snail.
Our final fairy day. We dressed up as fairies and found lots of minibeasts, who are the fairies best friends.
What adventures we had with the fairies. We made them homes, we found them friends and sssshhhhh we told them our wishes.
Halloween is coming! How scary are we??
and the disco.......

Meet P1JD girls.

Meet P1JD boys.

Numeracy tasks are so much fun.

We used our colour wheels to find lots of colours outside.

Red is the most popular colour in our class.

I have a special name.

 How many claps does your name have?
