Our Topic for November ‘Toys’
This topic has really stimulated the children’s imagination and they have been so involved in every aspect from our Toy Shop role play through to the Land of the Dinosaurs. It has been action packed from creating our own puppets and performing with them in our puppet theatre which we designed and painted ourselves. We investigated the World Around Us by planting our own daffodil bulbs in our recycled pots. We also observed things that float and things that sink and constructed our own little boats, which we floated in the dinosaur infested water. The children thoroughly enjoyed being outside in our new Construction Zone where we have been learning about how to stay safe when using ‘Real tools’. We have some budding carpenters in the making.
Sshh! We have even started writing our letters to Santa which is helping us practice our cutting skills.
This month we have been learning to sign using Makaton which the children are enjoying. It can sometimes be alittle difficult to remember the words and the signs associated with them but we are trying our best. We have practised the signs for Please,Thank-you, Sorry and Toilet which we use everyday and have learned the Song 'You are my sunshine'