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P7 Outdoor Adventure Day in Ballintoy

Heartstart Certificates 

P7 Heartstart Certificates P7CK

Sports Day Certificates

Sports Day certificates

Using Green Screen Technology: Astronaut Training Programme 

Green Screen App

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Pupils got to use a green screen app with their space suits to learn about how movie makers use green screen technology to help them with the special effects in films. They had to storyboard their ideas, film them using the I pad and green screen and then edit it using the green screen app to create their Sci-Fi movie clips. They are really out of this world !


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Just when you thought space was safe !


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World Around Us : Astronaut Training Programme. 

Designing and making astronaut suits and mission patches

Making St Brigid's Crosses for Catholic Schools Week 

St Brigid's Crosses

P7CK have settled in well


Both P7 classes have been learning about Flight. They designed, created and tested Stomp Rockets

Halloween Maths and Disco 

Flying Kites

Flying Kites as part of our World Around Us Topic
