Home Page


Hello and goodbye P2,

This is your last day in P2.  I am so sorry that we didn't get to spend it together.  You have all worked super hard this year, both at home and at school, and your brains will be so brilliant in P3!  Enjoy every minute of your summer holidays and have lots of fun.  I will wave at you across the corridor when you are in P3!  Before you leave the website check out Mrs.Donaghy and Mrs.Laverty's message for our new P1's - you might see someone you know!  All the best for the summer, P3 and the future!


How about a lot of different small challenges?  Check out Hi5 in the home learning star.
If you would like a sporting challenge how about participating in a virtual Sports day?  Go to to register (ignore the date-it is still open!).
Or try the Garden Olympics!
Check it out on
More information is in the home learning star - Term 3.
While you are out practising your GAA 5star skills (ideas are in the Home Learning star) could you get someone to video you and send the clip to  We will try to compile the clips and upload it to Parents/School clubs for everyone to see.  Thanks.
Home Learning Ideas

We have received recent guidance from the ETI (Education and Training Inspectorate) regarding learning at home during the school closure.  (PDF document below) You will see that some of these websites mentioned are already on the list given out for your class and there are some others for you to explore.  The ETI state that “It is also very important that there is a balance between online learning, written and practical activities, outdoor learning and free time.” The teacher guidance given for your child includes written and practical activities as well as outdoor learning and free time.  Many of these activities particularly lend themselves to the home environment, taking the pressure off parents who feel they need to recreate a mini classroom at home – you will be relieved to know, you don’t! 
