Home Page


Hi everyone and welcome to 5 MMG.  We hope you enjoy looking through the photos showing what we get up to during this year.

Come and meet us all...

We were invited to the first sailing of the new Rathlin Ferry.

Our last walk through the forest for this year.

Egyptian Jewelry made from recycled junk materials

Bienvenidos a todos en CEIP Emilio Carmona.  Esperamos que disfruten viendo nuestra página web y estamos a la espera de más cartas de usted!

We are writing letters to pupils in a school in Maracena, Granada, Spain

Book Week Characters

St Patrick's Day Is Here...

Writing our names in Arabic Alphabet

Dividing Using Cuisenaire Rods

February Accelerated Readers Winners

Prize-winners for Learning Logs

Making St Brigid's Crosses

Our Nativity Service in the Chapel

Making 3-d Rockets

Soccer Tournament Stars

We have had a fabulous week working with our friends from Ballycastle Integrated Primary School on our Shared Education Programme. Have a look at the peace pledges we were making to decorate the Christmas Tree in the Diamond.

We have been studying food chains in different habitats.  What do you think?

Hallowe'en Horrors

During Maths Week we did a survey of the trees in Ballycastle High School grounds.

We are studying woodlands and forests so we took a few walks through the local forest to look at the trees, leaves and habitats.  It was fantastic! 

Our caretaker, Ciaran, is a member of the local fire station.  He came in to give us a talk about fire safety in our homes.  Unfortunately he is leaving our school and won't be able to do this in future so we wish him all the best in his new job.  Thank you Ciaran.

Working with digit cards to investigate place value
