The school’s strategies for learning, teaching, assessment, and promoting the raising of standards of attainment among all pupils, in particular in communication, using mathematics and using ICT.
- Learning and teaching is characterised by thorough curriculum planning and self-evaluation procedures
- Planning is based on a clear identification of the needs of all learners and is designed to address and meet these needs, leading to successful learning and continued development of each child’s confidence, irrespective of ability
- The Principal, Vice Principal, SLT and core curriculum leaders ensure consistency in the teaching and learning environment through guidance at staff meetings, monitoring and evaluating of children’s work/teachers’ planners and classroom visits.
- Curriculum co-ordinators have responsibility each year for an element of the SDP
- Children have a wide range of opportunities and educational experiences in class, out of class and through trips, while seeking to extend the curriculum by offering a wide range of after school and Extended School activities
- We support initiatives and projects which encourage creative thinking and activity that allow teachers to foster the curiosity of each child.
- Provision of an outdoor community garden area within the school grounds from April 2012 and acquisition of an extensive field area in May 2013. In 2014 we provided a wide range of outdoor play equipment to facilitate outdoor classroom & learning environment.
- Along with teacher feedback, written and oral, children are encouraged to evaluate their own work and the work of their peers against criteria set through WALT and WILF
- We believe pupils have an innate desire to learn – to create meaning; that all pupils can learn; that regular feedback is vital for teachers, pupils and parents; that pupils learning can be improved by developing an awareness of their own learning style and learning process; that pupils learn best when they experience ownership of their learning, that pupils learn best when their work is relevant and structured to meet each child’s age ability and aptitude
- Teachers and SEN team ensure effective teaching strategies for SEN pupils are developed in class with additional out of class support including ‘extended schools’ activities provided as the need grows or as is required
- Children normally sit in groups to encourage participation and group work. Classroom furniture may be re-arranged accordingly to promote individual work and whole class group teaching where appropriate.
- When appropriate we let children choose what they need. e.g. making a boat, what materials do you need? On other occasions we may direct the children.
- We do not just list learning resources, but explain how they will be used and contribute to the lesson
- We teach using a combination of various classroom teaching strategies.
- All staff understand and accept different learning types
- Groups are usually of mixed ability although matched ability sets are used when appropriate to do so
- Relevant discussion is encouraged, although some periods of the day are set aside for silent work in a number of classes (e.g. quiet reading time immediately following the lunch break)
- All teachers teach all subjects to their classes. However where possible staff with specific skills and attributes provide support to teachers and class groups for example music and physical education.
- Classroom/Teacher Assistants are available in the form of both volunteers and paid classroom assistants. We also use classroom teacher support for SEN Children.
- As appropriate, and at the discretion of the Principal and Board of Governors volunteer helpers assist in the classroom, at sports activities, on outings and visits and in providing other help, such as developing contacts with industry, commerce, local services and places of interest. All ‘helpers’ go through child protection procedures.
- ICT skills are developed in all classes and the school’s hardware and software has been totally updated & ‘transformed’ in Nov’13.
- This list is not exhaustive and if you want more details talk to your child's teacher or arrange a visit to our school.
- An 'Education & Training Inspectors' inspection (Department of Education, NI) was undertaken in March'14 where provision in our school was found to be 'Very Good' - with many aspects found to be 'Outstanding.' Further details of this report can be accessed using the address and elsewhere on this web-site.