The Art Club members studied the works of Gustav Klimt and produced these displays.
Nothing like a dander across the beach and river, followed up by dodging the fountains at the quay to end a perfect week! We are really looking forward to sharing the craic with some of you mums and dads when we start again in September. Please come along... We'd love to share this with you.
"I'm doing a picture about the Titanic in Art Club with paint. It's going to be framed and hung in the school. It'll be a painting of the Titanic ship and an iceberg right in front of it so it's right before it hits it. I've been working on it for two weeks and it'll be ready next week. We can paint what we want at Art Club and I chose Titanic."
Here you can see photographs of Jakub's finished painting.
How do you re-use your old glass jars?
Look at our ideas...